Davidow & Nelson Blog

Relying on Information in Your CRA Online Account: TFSA Over-contribution

One challenge when relying on CRA-provided information online in respect of TFSA contribution room is that the information is not updated on a real-time basis due to the delay in receiving information from TFSA issuers. Although CRA has many disclaimers surrounding this issue, some individuals may be unaware or misinterpret their comments. A July 14, 2022 Financial Post article (Taxpayer… Read more »

CRA Education Initiatives: Personal Services Business (PSB)

In some industries it is common for employers to require their workers to provide services through their own corporation rather than directly as employees. In general, a PSB exists where an individual would be considered the employee of the hiring entity if it were not for the existence the worker’s corporation. In a recently released 15-minute video (https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/news/cra-multimedia-library/businesses-video-gallery/personal-services-business.html), CRA stated… Read more »

Land in Excess of One-half Hectare: Principal Residence Exemption

The definition of a principal residence limits the amount of land that qualifies for the principal residence exemption to half a hectare unless the taxpayer establishes that the excess land was necessary for the use and enjoyment of the housing unit as a residence. In a January 28, 2022 Technical Interpretation, CRA reiterated that it is a question of fact… Read more »

Between Home and Work: Required Travel

A June 21, 2022 Tax Court of Canada case considered whether motor vehicle costs of $1,642 associated with a construction foreman’s travel between home and various job sites were deductible against employment income. The taxpayer worked on many of his employer’s 50 projects, located at numerous construction sites. The taxpayer was responsible for ensuring that the workers were in place each… Read more »

Hobby or Business?: Poker Playing

In a June 21, 2022 French Tax Court of Canada case, CRA assessed the taxpayer’s poker winnings from 2010 to 2012 as business income. In 2010, the taxpayer won almost $9 million in the No Limit Hold’em Championship (The Main Event) at the World Series of Poker. His net winnings that year were about $5 million. In 2011 and… Read more »

Tax Tidbits

Some quick points to consider… – On June 19, 2022, individuals suffering from Type 1 diabetes became automatically entitled to the disability tax credit. This change is retroactive to 2021. – The Tax Gap, which measures the difference between what is actually collected and the taxes that would be paid if all obligations were fully met, is between $18.1… Read more »

CRA Reviews: Money Received from Abroad

As of 2015, financial institutions must report electronic fund transfers (EFT) into Canada of $10,000 or more not only to FINTRAC but also to CRA. Where two or more EFTs of less than $10,000 each are made within 24 consecutive hours by or on behalf of the same individual or entity, and the total is… Read more »

Grants, Loans and Professional Assistance: Digital Adoption Program

On March 3, 2022, the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) was launched and opened for application. This $4 billion program provides funding through two initiatives. Grow Your Business Online Initiative This initiative provides $2,400 micro-grants and access to e- commerce advisors to help applicants adopt digital technology. Grants can cover costs such as website development,… Read more »

Audit File Selection and Assessment: Estimated Sales by CRA

In an attempt to identify unreported revenue, CRA and Revenu Québec may compare a business’ reported revenue to what would be expected given the business’ level of purchases. The analysis is based on industry-specific profit and revenue ratios. In a January 31, 2022 French Court of Quebec case, Revenu Québec had assessed QST on additional… Read more »

Eligibility Verification: CERB/CRB

Over the last year, CRA has increased verification activity in respect of eligibility for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB). As a result, a number of disputes have hit the judicial system. One of the focus areas has been the prior earnings test. To be eligible for either CERB… Read more »