Davidow & Nelson Blog

New Income-Tested Benefit: Canada Dental Care Plan (CDCP)

On December 11, 2023, Health Canada issued details on the Canada dental care plan that would cover a wide variety of dental services for certain Canadian residents. The plan will be rolled out from late 2023 to 2025. To be eligible, the individual and their spouse or common-law partner (if applicable) must meet all of… Read more »

Employment Expenses: Working From Home Expenses

The $2/day flat rate method available to claim expenses for employees working from home was a temporary administrative measure only available from 2020 to 2022; it is no longer available in 2023. As such, employees working from home can only use the detailed calculation when claiming expenses. For 2023 and subsequent years, a deduction can… Read more »

CRA Education Initiative: Personal Services Business

In general, a personal services business (PSB) exists where the individual performing the work would be considered to be an employee of the payer if it were not for the existence of the individual’s corporation. These workers are often referred to as incorporated employees. Where it is determined that the income is earned from a… Read more »

Filing and Distribution Issues: T-Slips

Various changes and issues have arisen in respect of T-slips to be filed and processed for the 2023 year. Dental benefits Beginning with the 2023 year, issuers of the T4 Statement of Remuneration Paid and T4A, Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income must report whether the recipient or any of their family members… Read more »

2024 Limits Released: Automobile Deduction and Benefit Rates

Various automobile deductions and taxable benefit rates are limited to amounts prescribed by the Department of Finance annually. On December 18, 2023, the 2024 limits were announced as follows: – The limit on the deduction for non-taxable allowances paid by an employer to an employee using a personal vehicle for business purposes will increase in… Read more »

Tax Tidbits

Some quick points to consider… – The 2024 RRSP contribution limit is $31,560, requiring earned income in 2023 of at least $175,333. The 2025 limit will be $32,490 (requiring earned income in 2024 of at least $180,500). – The annual TFSA contribution limit for 2024 is $7,000. – The annual interest rate charged by CRA… Read more »

New Trust Reporting: Unexpected Exposure

Changes requiring more trusts (and estates) to file tax returns and more information to be disclosed, first proposed in the 2018 Federal Budget, were delayed several times in the legislative process. The final rules (that are now law) first apply for 2023, with a filing deadline of April 2, 2024. As such, many trusts and… Read more »

Misconduct: Employment Insurance

An August 24, 2023 Federal Court of Canada case reviewed whether the taxpayer’s employment had ceased due to misconduct, which would render the taxpayer ineligible for employment insurance. The taxpayer worked at a community health care centre that required all employees to provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 unless they provided evidence of a… Read more »

Tax Collection: Revival of a Corporation

A June 12, 2023 Court of King’s Bench of Alberta case reviewed CRA’s application to revive a corporation dissolved in 2020. The former sole shareholder opposed the application. The corporation’s capital losses (as quantified during an audit of the 2013 and 2014 years) were used in 2017 and 2018. CRA sought to revive the corporation… Read more »